About Us

What's in a name?

When I was a very little girl, my grandma called me her little Sunshine Girl.

The truth is, she called me that because I was NOT being a happy, sunny girl and she was trying to get me to change my attitude.

She once tried calling my sister her sunshine girl and I just wouldn't have that!

"No! I stated emphatically! I AM YOUR SUNSHINE GIRL!" From that moment on, I was the only one she ever called Sunshine Girl.


Over the years I have tried to live up to that name (not that I'm even close to perfect at it!) by trying to spread sunshine and let people know they haven't been forgotten. 

Whenever I do, I feel amazing. I just love letting people know that they matter.

Our goal

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have had a hard time coming up with ways to show people I was there for them.

I wanted to do something that really spoke from my heart. 

We all know people who suffer from physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges and need a little sunshine to help brighten their lives and cheer them up.  

I created Sunshine Girl Shop to provide cute, creative, meaningful products that will make it easier for you to do a little something for friends and loved ones in your life to bring some goodness to the world. 

We provide custom-created gift packaging, tags, and other experiences that have all of the hard work already done.

We are so excited to start sharing new products with you based on some of our most memorable family experiences.

Family is everything to me and bringing joy to other people's lives is what Sunshine Girl Shop is all about.